Using industry words doesn’t make you sound smarter.
The days where you had to know all the fancy industry words to impress the people into thinking you’re the best so they’ll buy your thing are over.
Same with big business words. over.
Have you noticed this too?
Industry jargon is one thing we don’t stand for here at AE, because it doesn’t help you.
If your customers don’t know what you’re selling or why that matters to them within the first 8 seconds of visiting your website you’ve lost them.
Industry jargon doesn’t mean anything to them. It only means something to your colleagues. And they’re for sure not buying your services.
It’s like if we spoke to you about how important optimizing the jetpack is or about inspecting the breakpoints in the cascading stylesheet framework.
“Optimize the jetpack” and “inspecting the breakpoints in the cascading stylesheet framework” are examples of our industry jargon.
I know those words are meaningless to you. It’s good that WE know them, but they don’t help you to understand our service and how we can help you. You’d be guessing based on how smart you think we sound. How many times are you going to invest in a service or product with that feeling?
That’s a trick question: It’s pretty much never. Mystery doesn’t sell. But often in the first stages of a web build, people are pretty convinced they want to use their big industry words thinking it’s going to give them some credibility.
It doesn’t give you credibility. It alienates your potential customers and makes sales harder for you.
Because I like you, I’m going to tell you this straight. It doesn’t give you credibility. It alienates your potential customers so it becomes a stumbling block to helping them and achieving sales for you.
To be fair, this happens sometimes accidentally because you’re too close to your own industry and you’re so familiar with your industry’s words that you stop noticing which ones are jargon and which ones aren’t. But intentional or not it delivers the same results: crickets.
We don’t let this happen to our clients. When you’re working with a Web Designer, make sure they’re helping you with copy and language that leads to sales and not crickets.
If you need help avoiding jargon and tweaking your copy so that you can make more sales with less hassle, send us a message. We’d love to write some custom copy for your website that will help you stand out and make more sales with ease.