Want to know one of the best tips to grow your e-commerce business in 2021? It’s based on all the data gathered from the monumental shifting trends that came out of 2020.
…and I know you might be stressed about learning One. More. Thing.
Don’t be, it’s a good one:
Dial back a little of your efforts on acquiring new customers and put that effort into your past & current customers.
There are two reasons for this:
1. Customers want to be loyal. They want to support small business! And actually it’s easier for them to keep re-ordering from you, than it is for them to search out new places to get their thing every time.
2. With changes in privacy standards (I know you’re all feeling this!) 3rd party advertising is so much harder and more expensive.
Reaching new people is now more challenging than ever. ugh. But lucky for you, you already have a list, however big or small, of people who have already purchased from you! Don’t forget about these lovely humans in pursuit of acquiring more.
Show them some love. Get creative.
Something you can easily do today to boost your sales and start seeing more consistent growth is get in touch with your current customer list! Show them some love. Get creative. Send them offers, rewards or discounts! A little goes a long way. Show them how others are using or loving your products (leveraging that user generated content 🙌) Or simply, send a message letting them know you appreciate their support of your business and letting them know what products are fresh in your store.
Remember, your customers actually love it when you make it easy on them, and trends show they want to be loyal. Giving that customer list a little love feels good for them, feels good for you, and will help you grow your e-commerce business!